Brand - Lej en Bartender

Lej en Bartender

Always be transparent with the customer.

Lej en Bartender in #numbers

We maintain top quality by ensuring thorough training of the bartenders, offering a wide selection of cocktails, and keeping an eye on the customer’s needs.

Years of experience

Cocktails to choose from

score on Trustpilot

Open days a year

Simplifying Bar Catering

At Lej en Bartender, we keep it simple. Therefore, we offer three package solutions within bar catering: Standard, Favorite, and Exclusive. The universe is clear and playful, where customers can easily find the bar solution that matches their event.

Lej en Bartender was founded in 2005 and has undergone significant development over the years. However, we have remained committed to the value that the concept should always be transparent for the customer. This applies to price, service, and purpose.

BarConcept - References

Lej en bartender